Testing the ORC 57

The skipper sends us the following message:

“The last day and especially the last afternoon, we had a fantastic speed run, on flat sea between Ibiza and Majorca. We were all the time between 15 and 20 knots and we did a hit 21.3 knots boat speed. We were relaying at the helm to try to go faster… It was awesome.

A second test took place leaving Ibiza. The wind was above 30 knots, and the boat speed was above 25 knots! We almost covered 200 nautical miles in one day.

The passengers were very impressed by the catamaran performances and the sailing sensations, even with minimum sails. Broad reach, we sail at high speed, without being shacken and always safely. We had 33 knots of true wind yesterday and with one reef in the main and the genoa, broad reach, it is only 20 knots apparent wind.”

Not many boats can achieve these kinds of speed… This is fun sailing!