First cruise from LGM to Lavrio

The departure from La Grande Motte was delayed a few days. There was too much wind to exit the port.

Arrival in Lavrio on April 22nd. Here is the feedback from two participants to this first commercial cruise with us:

A passenger wrote to us: “I did the cruise between La Grande Motte and Athens; great course, good atmosphere on board. The sailboat is really extraordinary, very fast, particularly well equipped (sails, electronics, means of communication), very comfortable (two bathrooms, always hot water, two fridges and a freezer, lots of space, four large cabins).

Christian, the skipper, was very friendly and competent, and I always felt safe, even though at times we had quite a bit of wind. I will definitely sail on this boat again.

Thank you to Christian, our skipper, to Pavlina for preparing our meals and looking after the boat, and to Yves for being the initiator of this wonderful project.”

A second passager gave us the following comments: “We all were flashed by the performance of the yacht, the crew and we had perfect days with all, what a sailing trip could offer (except storms or other negative incidents). I personally was also impressed by the yacht equipment, electronics and the high attention of you to important details in selection of certain functions, material or solutions.”

Our skipper also sent us the following message: “Avel Vaez is now in Lavrio, Greece. We did a lot more sailing than on the previous legs. The passengers were delighted. We sailed with 5 knots of real wind at 5 knots upwind with the Grand Gennaker and high mainsail, we sailed by 40 knots real downwind with 2 and 3 reefs and staysail. Then upwind at 30 knots, up to 38 knots. In all these points of sail, performance is impressive. It’s still tense from time to time, and we had to reduce very quickly sometimes, but it’s very pleasant.”

Thank you everyone for this great feedback on the fastest sailing catamaran available for charter…!